Two great space boilers is too bad for my coldness

Today I will finish my online labor a bit earlier than normal plus I am going to do a long meditation session to clear my mind plus help guide me in the right direction.

I am going to meet a songsian later today by the church on the sea plus my pal and I are going to play songs plus sing some.

I am thinking about bringing my sound system out also but I am not sure if anyone will even be out there with the freezing cold weather my pal and I are having this week. It is absolutely cold out but my space boilers are keeping me nice plus boiling in my office as I get my labor done in a timely manner. I have a load of laundry in the washing machine plus I am not sure it is going to dry on the line outside because it will particularly freeze instead. Maybe running my central boiler for a few hours will take the moisture out of the air plus dry the clothes faster. I don’t want to go to the laundromat to use the dryer because it is too far away. The local business is normally open all afternoon plus night but it is too far away to haul my clothes there, so I am going to try my Heating plus A/C system’s heating equipment plus see if it dries the clothes for me. I also have a small fan that I could put on the clothes in the study room to speed up the drying process. I will figure it out, being an engineer plus all.


a/c repairman

The heating industry is cooling down now

Today is July 1st and the weather is still quite moderate.

I bet that this month is going to be a comfortable one and the real heat won’t be here till the start of July.

Usually July and September are the hottest months and then when November comes things start to cool down quite fast. I am wonderful with two months of heat because I used to live in the south back in the States and it would be sizzling for like six months, which would wear you down by the time November hit. Now my wonderful friend and I don’t need air conditioner until July and my wonderful friend and I don’t need to run the furnace until the end of December, and my wonderful friend and I only run the furnace for about two months during the wintertime. I like residing here and need to be here for my music venture, so I am learning to cherish the wonderful aspects of residing in this cool little beach village. A lot of the heating dealerships are closed for the Summer and the owners go off to other parts of the world to take a break from the Heating and A/C systems world. I keep laboring though and have fun here in the Summer because of all of the fun tourists that come here and raise the energy level. I do air conditioner repairs for patrons and also some duct repairs in the dealers in town, but I only do this task about 15 hours a week and dedicate the rest of my time to my music journey. I am off to the cooling supplier shop now.


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Getting a small gas fireplace soon

I just heard my cats get into a argument with my roommate’s grumpy cat. I’m not sure why however each time my flatmate comes home I hear the cats argument soon afterwards, almost as if she has them argument on purpose. But I know she is just trying to get her animal around mine so it has some supplier, yet each time it is around them it attacks them out of fear. My two cats never try to option a argument with hers and only want to be friends, however her animal carries anger inside and it comes out, but gas fireplace upgrade is also on my mind as this week my wonderful friend and I are getting a small gas furnace to keep us warm. I like fires however can’t have a normal fireplace in this flat because of the laws, however a small portable gas one is allowed as long as the flames are contained. My pal and I just want some fire to see on those cold winter nights when it gets dark out by 5:30 in the evening, however our main Heating and A/C system gets a break on some of the cold nights because the gas furnace does a wonderful task of heating up the flat. Most of the time my wonderful friend and I don’t need any heat in the flat, however on those nights when the temps drop below freezing my wonderful friend and I need some kind of weather conditions control system to keep us warm, and a gas fireplace does a wonderful task of heating up the flat on most winter nights. My pal and I plan on having a few dinner parties with the current stove.

air conditioning provider

The heating industry is cooling down now

A lot of the heating dealerships are closed for the summer time plus the owners go off to other parts of the world to take a break from the HVAC systems world.

This week is June 1st plus the weather is still quite moderate. I bet that this month is going to be a comfortable one plus the real heat won’t be here till the start of August. Usually August plus November are the hottest months plus then when September comes things start to cool down quite fast. I am nice with two months of heat because I used to live in the south back in the States plus it would be sizzling for like six months, which would wear you down by the time September hit. Now my associate and I don’t need air conditioning until August plus my associate and I don’t need to run the heater until the end of December, plus my associate and I only run the boiler for about two months during the wintertime. I like living here plus need to be here for my music venture, so I am learning to prefer the nice aspects of living in this cool little beach village. A lot of the heating dealerships are closed for the summer time plus the owners go off to other parts of the world to take a break from the HVAC systems world. I keep laboring though plus have fun here in the summer time because of all of the fun tourists that come here plus raise the energy level. I do air conditioning repairs for buyers plus also some duct repairs in the suppliers in town, although I only do this job about 15 hours a week plus dedicate the rest of my time to my music journey. I am off to the cooling supplier shop now.

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The heating techs who were ballers too

I’m gleeful I didn’t play too many sports last evening because my body was really tired and needed the rest.

Some of my friends were playing last evening on the beach and I came just to watch.

But finally I caved in and played two games, which was not too exhausting because my buddy and I played three on three and it is a lot easier than two on two. So today I am not feeling too exhausting like some days when I wake up and feel like a train ran over me the evening before. The teams had a few heating and cooling reps playing on each side and the teams were pretty good, as a group of HVAC techs were in town from another town and they were really good players at one point in their lives. They were a bit out of shape but you could tell that they played at or near the pro level at one point in their lives. When I was a new HVAC serviceman just out of HVAC college I was playing the AA level and would sometimes jump into the pro level to test my skills, but my cooling supplier kept me quite tied up with work so I couldn’t practice enough to get to the top level. I am good with making it to the AA level, considering that I didn’t start playing the sport till I was 25 years old. Anyway, I am going to do a little air duct cleaning job now and then see if I can get some nice climate control by the sea on my bike ride.


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Sleepy afternoon with good indoor air quality

The cats are all fat and gleeful now, but not until a bunch of food got tossed into their food bowls.

I wake up to three cats meowing and hungry, so the first thing I do in the morning is feed the hungry lions so they calm down.

They are really quiet during the evening though, which is really nice as they are nocturnal animals and could raise all kinds of cane while my buddy and I are trying to sleep. I have woken up a few times at evening and found the cats sleeping in the middle of the evening though. Air purifiers in my home keep the allergies at bay as they disinfect the air and provide us some good indoor air quality. We have three of them and they do a good job, along with being really good colorless noise generators to help block out the sounds from the bars around us; This local corporation out back can get pretty loud, so having some type of noise filter really aids in sleeping well each evening. The local supplier told me about these media air cleaners and my buddy and I ended up buying one at the HVAC company soon afterwards, which was so nice that my buddy and I bought two more for the other rooms. They do a good job of grabbing the dust and pet dander so that nobody suffers from allergies in this flat. My heating tech buddy is going to be moving in with me in about two months and he is allergic to cats, so having good media air cleaners is critical to him not suffering.


air filter

My cooling rep coming for brunch

I am in the mood to make a Thai meal soon, however first I need to go to the store plus get the ingredients. I guess tonight I will have my simple tuna plus rice brunch, which I add some vegetables to to give it a little color plus taste. But tomorrow I am going to make the Thai meal plus invite my buddy over to care about the meal with me. My associate and I will get a little fire going plus chill out with the cats while listening to some good jazz music plus seeing the sun go down. It’s heating up a lot outside plus my cooling rep is in neighborhood for a couple weeks, so tomorrow my pal and I will have some brunch plus hang out to talk about the old nights when my pal and I were going to Heating plus Air Conditioning university to become professionals in the industry. My associate and I have known each other for about 25 years now plus have a lot of fun memories my pal and I like to talk about. The a/c provider where she will be laboring here in neighborhood is closed at 6pm, as the cooling supplier owner appreciates to get home early so she can be with her family. Tonight should be a nice night because there are a lot of clouds in the sky, which means there will be a lot of colors when the sun goes down later. I guess tomorrow is cooling down a bit, so making a fire in the fireplace will be superb for heating up the flat a bit to take the chill out of the air while my pal and I eat.


ductwork cleaning

Hydronic heating in the home

I’ve lost both my superb training buddy plus my flatmate to love.

  • They both met someone plus are now pretty much ghosts in my life, spending most of their time with their newfound lovers, and my flatmate is pretty much over at her locale each night plus day plus then at work the other nights.

I bet it won’t be long before she tells me she is moving in with him, which I suspect will happen within the next month or so. That could be perfect timing though because my buddy from the States is supposed to move in soon. Heating plus Air Conditioning work is what she does, particularally hydronic heating replacements, plus she is going to do the first install in my flat when she moves here in two more months. There may be a window of a month or two though where I am living alone because she may take longer to get over here than she thinks. The local business that she works for still has quite a bit of heating plus cooling system work for him to do back there plus it may take him longer to do all of the Heating plus Air Conditioning work before she can move over here. I am nice with a month or two of living alone because it is quite peaceful in this flat when it is just me plus my cats. My flatmate owns a local corporation plus it keeps her busy most of the time with the Heating plus Air Conditioning systems she sells, so I do not see her that much during the week. It’s all superb in the end.
Air conditioning repair

Doing the space heating system sales yearly

I will be laboring in the office on my own later this week as the locale is shut down for the week for renovations.

It is absolutely quiet in the building now though because they are just painting the walls plus have finished all of the heavy construction.

I am going to be laboring in the back office for most of the day plus will listen to some chill out music while I do my paperwork plus inventory on the up-to-date equipment. It will be a pretty simple day because I’ve done this a million times for the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier plus it is like riding a bike to me, however i just have to go through the boxes plus mark down what kind of space furnaces my pal and I got plus then work on getting them sold. My associate and I are running a sale now because these units arrived late plus my pal and I will be selling them in the late Springtime. The weather has been heating up for months now plus nobody is going to want space heaters, that is unless my pal and I sell them at a superb price, which is what my pal and I are going to do since my pal and I got the Heating plus Air Conditioning units for such a superb deal. They basically offered them to us so selling them is going to be pretty simple. I guess the heating corp that sold them to us just wanted to get them out of the warehome to make space for the up-to-date heating devices that are going to be coming in soon, and either that or they just wanted to give us an early Christmas present.

Heat pump install

Get me $10 and I’ll get a current heating system

The sky is clear red this afternoon and the temp is just below chilly and I will go for a swim in about 30 minutes.

Yesterday was gray and windy and about the same temp, yet I somehow managed to go in the sea for about four minutes.

The waves were so big they toppled over my head even when I tried to jump up in the air over them. It wouldn’t have been so terrible if the water wasn’t so cold, but my head was hurting after being submerged a few times in the chilly sea. My heating device was on by the time I got home and I was heating up truly nicely in my little office after taking a truly hot bath. The water almost felt like it was hot hot because my skin was so chilly from the sea. This cooling and heating of the body is certainly superb for you, but it isn’t the most wonderful feeling when you are doing it! So this week is March 1st and it looks like my associate and I have about two more weeks of chilly weather and then it is going to shift and the summer time warmth will finally be back. The local companies will beginning to open their doors again like a flower blooming, and my job at the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier doing duct cleaning will resume as well. My superb friend and I will beginning seeing volleyball nets out in the sand and the beach bars will beginning to come alive again, which is good because my associate and I will be doing shows in most of them.

furnace/heater installation