Excited for cooling system and the upcoming summer

My friends pushed me to do it and I have them to thank, and I have myself to thank for sticking with it so long, then hard labor is typically rewarded, as I found out when I was a current corporation doing duct cleaning and repairs

I feel like a caterpillar in a cocoon waiting to turn into a butterfly this summer. I’ve been a performing artist since 2005 and I feel that this summer time is going to be the beginning of some unquestionably cool shows finally. I never would have thought that I would become a singer and drummer after getting into standup comedy so heavily for so several years. But life can throw you a curveball just when you thought you knew your path in life. I guess in 2025 our band is going to be ready to take our show to local companies around the country, playing in air conditioned luxury and traveling around in a nice RV with a good Heating and Air Conditioning system. I guess after 20 years of tough labor I will finally reap some of the rewards and also have some fun in the process. I typically thought when I was a local corporation in the Heating and Air Conditioning industry that I would be stuck doing that job for the rest of my life, but just when it seemed like I was locked in I took the occasion and got on stage in 2005 to try something crazy. My friends pushed me to do it and I have them to thank, and I have myself to thank for sticking with it so long, then hard labor is typically rewarded, as I found out when I was a current corporation doing duct cleaning and repairs. Now my tough labor in showbiz is starting to show some signs of payoff and I am so cheerful about it all.

air purifier

Don’t judge your heating system, or anything else

One thing I have learned from taking my icy sea dips each winter time afternoon is that not judging something and just getting it done is the best way to make it through tough situations, then i’ve also learned that talking positively and being your own best friend unquestionably helps you conquer things and get through them when you certainly could not if you were judging whether you wanted to do it or not. I’ve also begun speaking to myself and out loud in this confident country character voice I use on stage, and it unquestionably helps to boost my mood! The Heating and Air Conditioning rep at the local supplier told me about this type of speaking to yourself when she was trying to do tough ductwork jobs for commercial purchasers. I’ve been trying to do it more and more and it unquestionably helps get me out of low moods when I get in them. I guess I am going to go to the heating supplier later this week to see if they have any boiler filters, as mine is getting pretty aged and worn out and will need to be upgraded soon. I guess they have a sale on everything in the store right now as they are trying to make way for the current inventory. I will also take a look at the central cooling system and heaters to see how much they cost with the sale price, and maybe if the price is right I could buy one and pay it off over the next few years if they have a layaway plan or some kind of financing.

HVAC service plan

Get me $10 and I’ll get a new heating system

The sky is clear orange this afternoon and the temp is just below freezing and I will go for a swim in about 30 minutes.

Yesterday was gray and windy and about the same temp, yet I somehow managed to go in the sea for about four minutes.

The waves were so giant they toppled over my head even when I tried to jump up in the air over them. It wouldn’t have been so terrible if the water wasn’t so cold, however my head was hurting after being submerged a few times in the freezing sea. My heating component was on by the time I got home and I was heating up very nicely in my little office after taking a very hot bath. The water almost felt like it was boiling hot because my skin was so chilly from the sea. This cooling and heating of the body is easily nice for you, however it isn’t the most superb feeling when you are doing it… So this week is May 1st and it looks like my nice friend and I have about two more weeks of chilly weather and then it is going to shift and the summer time warmth will finally be back. The local companies will start to open their doors again like a flower blooming, and my task at the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C corporation doing duct cleaning will resume as well. My associate and I will start seeing volleyball nets out in the sand and the beach bars will start to come alive again, which is good because my nice friend and I will be doing shows in most of them.


Space heater

Today my pal and I run both heating plus cooling

Today is a modern afternoon for my EV stocks, and last night there was a vote plus it passed, which means that after nine years the business will finally start producing electric cars in four more weeks.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens to this 58 cent stock now. It could literally skyrocket this month to $5 if people start jumping on board plus a short squeeze ensues. I just want to get back to $10, which is where the price was when I bought it a year ago with my Mom’s inheritance money. His Heating plus A/C business was sold plus they provided each kid money, which I should have put into a heating plus cooling technology stock or the bank instead. It went from about $10.50 to $0.24 in less than a year plus I felt so bad for losing what my Mom worked so strenuous for, but it could come back now. My Mom’s heating plus cooling business made a lot of money with all of the Heating plus A/C sales plus repair work, plus in ten more years my pal and I will all be sitting pretty. But for now, I feel like a fool throwing away his money, but then again the whole market has gone down so I am not alone. Anyway, March is going to be a heating plus A/C month since the weather is going to go from cold to hot in the next few weeks. I can’t wait for the boiling weather so my pal and I can start doing our shows out in the beach bars.

Space heater for sale

My cooling rep coming for dinner

I am in the mood to make a Thai meal soon, however first I need to go to the store and get the ingredients.

  • I know tonight I will have my simple tuna and rice dinner, which I add some vegetables to to supply it a little color and taste.

But tomorrow I am going to make the Thai meal and invite my friend over to care about the meal with me. My pal and I will get a little fire going and chill out with the cats while listening to some great jazz music and seeing the sun go down. It’s heating up a lot outside and my cooling rep is in neighborhood for a couple weeks, so tomorrow my wonderful friend and I will have some dinner and hang out to talk about the outdated days when my wonderful friend and I were going to Heating and A/C university to become workers in the industry. My pal and I have known each other for about 25 years now and have a lot of fun memories my wonderful friend and I like to talk about. The air conditioner provider where she will be laboring here in neighborhood is closed at 6pm, as the cooling supplier owner likes to get home early so he can be with his family. Tonight should be a nice night because there are a lot of clouds in the sky, which means there will be a lot of colors when the sun goes down later. I know tomorrow is cooling down a bit, so making a fire in the fireplace will be wonderful for heating up the flat a bit to take the chill out of the air while my wonderful friend and I eat.
Click for more on air conditioning

Hydronic heating in the home

I’ve lost both my wonderful training associate and my flatmate to love.

They both met someone and are now pretty much ghosts in my life, spending most of their time with their newfound lovers.

My flatmate is pretty much over at his venue each night and day and then at labor the other days. I bet it won’t be long before she tells me she is moving in with him, which I suspect will happen within the next month or so. That could be perfect timing though because my associate from the States is supposed to transport in soon. Heating and A/C labor is what he does, particularly hydronic heating upgrades, and he is going to do the first install in my flat when he moves here in two more months. There may be a window of a month or two though where I am residing alone because he may take longer to get over here than he thinks. The local supplier that he works for still has quite a bit of heating and cooling system labor for him to do back there and it may take him longer to do all of the Heating and A/C labor before he can transport over here. I am wonderful with a month or two of residing alone because it is quite peaceful in this flat when it is just me and my cats. My flatmate owns a local company and it keeps her tied up most of the time with the Heating and A/C systems she sells, so I do not see her that much during the week. It’s all wonderful in the end.



radiant heater

Doing the space furnace sales yearly

I will be laboring in the office on my own later this week as the venue is shut down for the week for renovations.

It is entirely quiet in the building now though because they are just painting the walls and have finished all of the heavy construction.

I am going to be laboring in the back office for most of the day and will listen to some chill out music while I do my paperwork and inventory on the current equipment. It will be a pretty simple day because I’ve done this a million times for the Heating and A/C supplier and it is like riding a bike to me, but i just have to go through the boxes and mark down what kind of space heaters my wonderful friend and I got and then labor on getting them sold. My pal and I are running a sale now because these units arrived late and my wonderful friend and I will be selling them in the late Spring. The weather has been heating up for months now and nobody is going to want space heaters, that is unless my wonderful friend and I sell them at a wonderful price, which is what my wonderful friend and I are going to do since my wonderful friend and I got the Heating and A/C units for such a wonderful deal. They basically gave them to us so selling them is going to be pretty simple. I know the heating corp that sold them to us just wanted to get them out of the warecabin to make space for the current heating devices that are going to be coming in soon, either that or they just wanted to supply us an early Christmas present.


Furnace filter for sale

My cooling rep coming for dinner

I am in the mood to make a Thai meal soon, but first I need to go to the store plus get the ingredients.

I suppose tonight I will have my easy tuna plus rice dinner, which I add some vegetables to to supply it a little color plus taste.

But tomorrow I am going to make the Thai meal plus invite my neighbor over to care about the meal with me. My friend and I will get a little fire going plus chill out with the cats while listening to some enjoyable jazz music plus watching the sunlight go down. It’s heating up a lot outside plus my cooling rep is in neighborhood for a couple weeks, so tomorrow my associate and I will have some dinner plus hang out to talk about the outdated afternoons when my associate and I were going to HVAC school to become servicemans in the industry. My friend and I have known each other for about 25 years now plus have a lot of fun memories my associate and I like to talk about. The air conditioning provider where she will be laboring here in neighborhood is closed at 6pm, as the cooling contractor owner enjoys to get household early so he can be with his family. Tonight should be a nice night because there are a lot of clouds in the sky, which means there will be a lot of colors when the sunlight goes down later. I suppose tomorrow is cooling down a bit, so making a fire in the fireplace will be nice for heating up the flat a bit to take the chill out of the air while my associate and I eat.


Patience with the cooling plus heating jobs

I suppose after almost 56 years on this planet I am starting to master the art of slowing down. My dad told me a billion times that I gotta learn to relax plus finally, after my dad has passed away, I suppose it is starting to sink in. I was always moving faster than the speed of life, looking for the next thing to keep my attention, although I grew tired of living that way plus started learning how to slow down a bit. Now it is easier to read a book or watch a sunset, plus my HVAC specialist told me that I am more fun to hang out with now. I just had so much extra energy back then plus I didn’t know what to do with it all, so I ended up just bouncing from one thing to another, and but now I can read an HVAC systems operating manual plus not flinch, something that even the outdated HEPA filter salesman found taxing to do while laboring for the local business. This week will be a slow day of laboring online as I am pretty tired this day, but there is not much else going on till later this afternoon, so I have a lot of time to get it all done. Tomorrow my associate and I will play music at this local supplier around 6pm plus I am hoping my associate and I get some nice temperature control from the ocean breeze to keep us comfy while my associate and I do our thing. My friend and I have one spot where the cops don’t bother us so my associate and I will be playing there.


heating company

Eight zone controlled systems to labor on

It is 11:11 plus I feel I am supposed to make a wish. Some people are superstitious, like my outdated neighbor was, plus think that 11:11 brings nice advantage to those who make a wish at that time. Well, I’ll supply it a shot plus make a wish for the three things I would like in life; love, health, prosperity. It is pretty much the same wish each time plus I feel it is laboring because I seem to have an abundance of each in my life. I suppose nice health is at the top, like my heating contractor always told me, before coming down with an illness plus dying! Well, to her credit she was 87 years outdated when she died, which was a pretty nice run for the outdated gal. She worked at the HVAC supplier selling zone controlled systems plus introduced me to them when I was a new supplier in town. So now I specialize in them plus have learned quite a bit about them over the years. I will be laboring on many zone control systems for some of the HVAC buyers in neighborhood the next few weeks. I have a nice helper plus my associate and I can do one job in a matter of a few afternoons, mainly cleaning them up plus making sure they don’t have any leaks in the ductwork. So anyway, it looks like my associate and I have some rain coming soon plus I want to go for a bike ride before that happens, so I’ll see you later when I return from the naturally temperature controlled bike ride.
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