My window air conditioner is all I need to stay comfortable

When it comes to keeping myself cool I do not require much.

While I may have some friends that have very specific temperature preferences or heating and cooling needs, I am not one of those kinds of people.

As a matter of fact, all I have to keep myself cool is a window air conditioner. I no longer use a central heating and cooling system. I live in a warm climate, however I do not need much for a heating device and so I have opted to use a space heater for a few months in the winter when it does begin to get cold. What I love about having a window air conditioner is that it is portable, and so I can take it with me wherever I may need it. Last Monday is a good example of that, I was having an outing with some friends of mine at the beach. It was a hot and sunny day, however it was a little too hot for me and so I decided to put down a beach towel down on the sand and I placed my portable air conditioner next to me and turned it on and before you know it I had my own cool breeze blowing on me and cooling me down. It was great because when you have just the right temperatures it allows you to enjoy the experience even more. I used to take my air conditioner with me even when I went out to eat, however it made some people uncomfortable and so I have stopped doing that. I now have two portable a/c units, one that I use for inside only and the other for the outdoors.

temperature control

The installation of the new furnace didn’t go as planned

Just last week my wife and I had a brand new furnace installed.

Our old one had to be replaced after 20 years of good use.

I find it hard to believe that it has already been 20 years since I first moved into this home, I still remember when that oil furnace was the newest available at the time! After our children had grown up and moved out to live their own lives, we decided that we wanted to purchase our final home. We found the perfect little house on the outskirts of town and we both settled into our retirement. I still remember the first time using that furnace, but now it was old and we replaced it with a nicer and modern electric furnace. Buying the new furnace with the easy part, having it installed into our home was the harder part of the whole process. We had a very nice HVAC technician that came to our home as planned to install the new furnace, he was very professional and you could tell when you talked to him that he was the kind of guy that had been in the industry for a long time and really knew his stuff. Still, the new furnace had some problems that popped up during the installation process, and the heating professional had to tamper with it for quite some time before he was able to get it installed correctly. It took a couple of hours longer than expected but in the end it was successfully installed and it has been working well for us since.

air duct cleaning

The air purifiers took care of the issue

When my husband and I first moved into our new home, we knew right away that we had a lot of work to do.

  • We had gotten an excellent deal on the home, although this was because the house had been sitting for several years and there was some damage to both the outside and the inside.

It was still a beautiful home and we knew that with a little TLC it would be back to its former glory in no time. However I must admit, the amount of work that we had to do was a bit more than we had planned. We decided to focus on the indoor air quality first, because when walking into the home the air was thick and hard to breathe. We suspected that it was because the HVAC system was old, and probably wasn’t performing as well as it should be. In order to take care of the heating and cooling system, we called out a heating and a/c specialist to come and take a look at what we had and tell us what we should do. When the cooling specialist arrived, he informed us that despite the age, the heater and the air conditioner were in good condition. However, it would need to be cleaned as that was contributing to the issue with the indoor air quality. So we paid to have it professionally cleaned and there was a lot of gunk that came out of there. We noticed the indoor air quality improved almost right away but it was still a bit off. In order to get the results that we wanted, we purchased a few standing air purifiers and placed them throughout the home and that did the trick. Then we moved on to our next project.

Help with indoor comfort

The Radiant heated flooring was the perfect addition to my home

When you live in a cold climate for as long as I have, you know how important it is to have your heating system regularly checked by the experts down at the local heat and a/c business. I have a nice electric furnace, and while it does an excellent job I was wanting something else besides the furnace to warm my home. The central heating system does very well at keeping the air warm but what about the floor? It does not do anything for the floor, and it is no fun getting up in the morning and having my bare feet touch an ice cold floor. So I decided to see if there was anything that I could do about this, and it turns out there is! I had gone online to the website of a heating and air conditioning business that showed options for keeping your floor warm. They had radiant heated flooring. The way it works seemed simple enough, a heating element would be installed underneath the floor and that would work to keep the floors warm. I did much reading into it before deciding to make a decision. I thought about it for a couple of weeks before deciding that I wanted to do it. I had enough money for it, and so I paid for the heated floors and waited patiently for a HVAC technician to arrive on the scheduled day and install it. It happened on a Tuesday, a HVAC van with a few heating and cooling professionals came up to my home and began the installation process. It didn’t take as long as I had expected and in no time it was finished. Now I can enjoy warm floors and a toasty home.

HVAC brands

The HEPA filter is all I needed

Within the last year I have become far more health conscious.

I started learning about why it is important to keep your body healthy if you plan on trying to live a long life.

I know many people that dread the idea of getting old, however I have a goal in mind and that goal is that I want to live to 100. When I was having a discussion about this with an acquaintance of mine, she started telling me all about how good exercise and healthy eating habits are a great start to a healthy lifestyle but they are not all that is important, then she asked me if I knew what the other important habit was. I admittedly had no idea, so I asked her to explain it to me. She told me it was taking good care of my heating and cooling system. I was confused. How did my HVAC system have anything to do with my health. She expected my confusion and explained it further, she told me about indoor air quality and how it affects your health and how a good heating and a/c system will help to ensure that you have good indoor air quality. I was amazed at learning this as I had never given my heating and cooling system much thought unless I was hot or cold or something was broken. But now I had to know about my indoor air quality and so I decided to have my air tested, air came back moderate, it wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t the best either. I wanted only the best, so I got a HEPA filter installed on my HVAC system so I can have excellent indoor air.

New heating units

There is nothing like a warm fireplace

When it comes to heating systems, if you were to ask me there is nothing better than a fireplace.

A traditional fireplace just has something special about it that is hard to find with electric fireplaces or other heating systems, like furnaces or the central heating system.

I do believe a big reason why I feel this way is because of how my early years were. During my childhood my parents had a huge fireplace. I will never forget the feelings of warmth and comfort that it gave me, the same kind of feelings that the other heating systems can’t compete with. It was like a warm hug and it always did an excellent job of making our home feel warm and safe. It was beautiful during the holidays, however we used it all throughout the cold winter months and not just around christmas time. To this day I still love the smell of burning wood, it takes me back to when I was just a kid again and life was simple. It was because I loved the heat and the traditional fireplace so much that I decided to recreate it in my own home when I got one. I only recently became a homeowner two years ago, and my wife and I can’t wait to make new memories with a family of our own. I am looking forward to in the very near future sharing the fireplace with my children and showing them the wonderful world of heating and cooling. I hope they can have the same happy memories I have been lucky enough to have.


air conditioning worker

I got the best christmas gift

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays.

There is just so much to enjoy! The cool weather, the holiday spirit, the gathering of friends and family, and of course the exchanging of gifts.

I love the winter and the snow really sets the scene for the holidays and I am lucky enough to live in an area with a colder climate so I get to enjoy the winter chill for quite some time. It does come with its own ups and downs. When you live in a cold climate it is very important that you have your heating system regularly checked out by your local heat and a/c provider. I have a gas furnace and I always ensure that it gets all the tune-ups and upgrades that it needs to stay working in good condition. Nobody wants their heater dying on them during the cold winter months. Not unless you plan on freezing. Last year for Christmas I got the perfect gift. It was a ductless mini split air conditioner! It was just what I had been wanting, while it is a cold climate here, with our winters lasting nearly half of the year, the summer months are still hot as ever and so it is just what I needed. I had stored it away until the warmer months came around, until then I focused on my heater. I had already had my gas furnace serviced and so I knew that it was good for the rest of the winter.


local hvac

My boyfriend damaged my air conditioner

He paid for me to get a heating and air conditioning specialist to come out and service the malfunctioning air conditioner

I have been sitting here in my heated apartment the last few days. My air conditioner is not working, and while I have an appointment made with the local heating and cooling company, it will be a few more days till the HVAC technician arrives to service my problem. I had a perfect air conditioner, that is until my boyfriend decided to come along and ruin it. It happened three days ago when we were arguing. It really was a big mess, we were both under a lot of stress and we were saying things neither of us should have been saying. The argument got pretty heated. My boyfriend eventually had enough, he stormed out of my apartment and on the way out he accidentally kicked my brand new air conditioning system. I don’t even think he noticed as he was too focused on getting out of my place as soon as possible. Now I have noticed that I am having nothing but problems with my air conditioner and there is a noticeable dent where it was hit. I confronted him about it a few days later after we had both had some time to cool off. He did apologize and offered to pay for the cost of a repair, he really didn’t mean to kick it, he just hit as he was storming out of the place. He paid for me to get a heating and air conditioning specialist to come out and service the malfunctioning air conditioner. When the HVAC tech arrived I was happy to hear that the damage wasn’t bad and the repair was quick and easy. Now I have a working a/c again.


heating company

My Cat alerted me to my HVAC system

Just the other day I discovered that my heating and cooling system was not working as it should be.

  • This is not too out of the ordinary, however, I never would have even noticed if it weren’t for my cat! Let me be clear, my cat is not my pet, he is another member of my family and if there is anyone that rules the household it is him.

I got him when he was only ten weeks old as this tiny little fuzzball that before long grew into an adorable but demanding cat. But I don’t mind, in fact that is what I love about him. Now the interesting thing about my cat is, he has his own temperature preferences just like a person! If it is too hot or too cold he will meow until the thermostat has been adjusted correctly. So when he started loudly meowing when I came home from work, and I checked everything else and saw that he still had food and water left, I knew it must be the thermostat. The smart thermostat was on and functional, however the HVAC system was not responding to anything. No matter how hot or cold I adjusted the temperature, there was nothing happening. Then I noticed for the first time since I got home that the temperature in the house was hotter than usual. It was at this point that I knew I had something wrong with the heating and cooling system, so I contacted my nearest heating and a/c provider and scheduled an appointment for the HVAC technician to come out and take a look at my heating and air conditioning unit. I would have never noticed if it weren’t for my cat.


Don’t be afraid to have your wedding during the rainy season

We are known to have a severe rainy season.

Unfortunately, the rainy season also coincides with the month that people tend to get married. Of course I mean June. June around here is wet and nasty A lot of the time. Of course, there are some years when June is just beautiful, but more often than not, it will rain at the drop of a hat. Because of that, many brides and grooms are afraid to have their weddings outside even though that is what they would prefer. And even those who get married in a church, often want their reception Outdoors, but they are afraid it will be rained out. Well I have the solution for that. At my event business, you do not need to worry about rain and bad weather, excluding humongous storms of course. My special event facility Solutions include being able to get out of the rain. I can put up Portable Restrooms or



Mobile Restroom Solutions