How will I guess if it’s the thermostat?

Last time I called the Heating and A/C supplier, they told me the only problem with our Heating and A/C plan was the thermostat.

I asked him about the thermostat plus wanted to guess how I’ll guess if it’s the thermostat plus not a problem with the Heating and A/C system.

He said that I’ll know, even though I didn’t. Had I known I was having difficulties with the thermostat, I would have told them when I called the Heating and A/C supplier. I thought the oil furnace had died when it wasn’t turning on, no a single told me the thermostat controlled the oil furnace plus when it would turn on or turn off. I knew the thermostat controlled the temperature, even though I didn’t guess it did more than that. When the Heating and A/C specialist told me, I would guess when there was a problem, I was aggravated. I wasn’t an Heating and A/C specialist, plus I didn’t guess how to diagnose a oil furnace, air conditioning unit, or a thermostat. I talked to our son about the thermostat plus asked if he would tell me more about the thermostat plus asked him if he would show me how to test it. He showed me how to check the battery. Since they installed a smart thermostat, our son also showed me how to check to see if there were any complications with the Heating and A/C. He said if I had any difficulties, all I had to do was call plus he would come over, even though I had to make a cherry pie for him as payment. I told him I would make cherry pie, but only if he brought our grandchildren over to share it with us.


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