I finally quit my job as an HVAC technician

I quit our task as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist, plus honestly, I believe that I regret it now however I thought that I would be better off without our task as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist.

I have only been toiling as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist for a few years, plus I didn’t love it that much; sure, I didn’t honestly hate our task as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist… However, it really isn’t something that I would enjoy doing for the rest of our life. I found another task option that I thought I would love a lot better. It was a sales task. I have never worked as a salesperson before, but I learned that I could make a ton of money. I told the owner of the heating, ventilation, plus A/C company that I wasn’t interested in toiling for the heating, ventilation, plus A/C company anymore, plus she understood. I believe that she knew that I wasn’t enjoying our task as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist anymore; plus I am honestly glad that she did not get mad at me… Unluckily, I discovered that I don’t love sales either; apparently, I am not a fantastic salesperson, plus I haven’t made enough money to pay our bills. I would love our task as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist again, but I don’t believe that the owner of the heating, ventilation, plus A/C company would hire me again. Also, I unenrolled in the certification program as well, which means that I would have to start over again if I wanted to be a familiar heating, ventilation, and A/C specialist. I believe that I made our decision too quickly, plus now, I wish that I could change everything. In hindsight, I believe that I might have loved toiling as an actual heating, ventilation, plus A/C specialist.


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