Mom and I met a guy at a PTA meeting who does graphic design

Among the top reasons to use a digital marketing contractor is to maintain a record of the traffic that goes to your website.

Mom and I have been co-owners of a Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance business for 15 years.

A year ago I met a guy at a PTA meeting who works as a graphic designer and digital marketing expert. As we were talking, he offered to take a look at our website to see if it was the best. When I told him that we did not have a website for the maintenance corporation, he offered to design one for 30% his usual fee. Mom thought the idea was bonkers. She insisted we already have a good clientele plus a busy schedule. I told her it’s time to plan for the future and the digital marketing campaign could help our business in terms of growth. Despite her reservations, mom agreed we go ahead with the digital marketing campaign. She was equally impressed with the website after seeing the results. The most impressive part of the digital marketing idea is the full report we get on the traffic that goes to our website every 24 hours. We can see the people who went to the website and how long they stayed on each page. There’s even a detailed list of search terms that led a customer to our page. There’s a time that for 7 days we saw searches for boiler servicing. Although we can service boilers, it is never something we display which is a huge omission.

Digital marketing company

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