Being cheap cost me more in the long run

Unless it’s something I really want, or something I really need.

I have absolutely no issues with going cheap on things.

If I look for good deals on things or buy used products, it will usually save me a lot more money. Money which I could spend on things I really want. However, that is not always the case, and I ended up learning that the hard way, with my furnace and air conditioning unit. The home we moved in from the start didn’t have the best HVAC equipment. I knew that before moving in, but I still decided to take my chances anyway. As I figured, it wasn’t the best HVAC device, but it was far from the worst either. It lasted another year or so with me, before it eventually broke down and wouldn’t turn back on. The A/C specialist recommended getting a new furnace system and cooling system, but I had another idea in mind. I figured that it probably wouldn’t be very hard to find a used cheap HVAC component online. I was right, there were plenty of used A/C devices online, all of which their owners promised they still worked well. I decided to buy a nice used HVAC machine, and have that installed instead. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a grave mistake, as after that, I had nothing but issues. I had to constantly have the machine repaired, because it kept breaking down. But it seemed no matter how many times it was repaired, it wouldn’t work perfectly. I ended up spending more money on that device, as well as another used A/C I bought, then I would have if I had just gotten a brand new one. Lesson learned, always get brand new HVAC machines.

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