The driver was the AC repairman

My girlfriend and I live in an old apartment building.

There are consistently problems with the Heat and the air conditioning system.

We have to call for a repairman once a month. The apartment building uses the same company for all of their heating and AC repairs. My girlfriend and I know all of them very well because we have seen them plenty of times. One guy in particular always stands out in our mind, because he is very quiet. He hardly ever says a word while he is making repairs. Conrad will talk your ear off and take 2 hours to complete the same work. Jack is a no business kind of guy. He completes the work quickly and gets out of there. My girlfriend and I have never had a conversation with Jack, but we had the opportunity last Thursday when he came to our home for a different reason. My girlfriend and I ordered marijuana from a local pot shop. We decided to have the items delivered and Jack was the guy making the delivery. I knew it was our HVAC repairman as soon as I saw his face. He was actually much more upbeat and chipper when we saw him later in the evening. I talked to us for a couple of minutes and we found out that he has two full-time jobs. One of the jobs is working as an HVAC repairman during the day and the other job is a full-time night job working as a cannabis delivery driver. This quiet guy had a lot of interesting things to say once he started talking.

commercial hvac

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