I cannot leave labor in the middle of a task for any reason

My bestie and I have been arguing a lot lately.

I don’t suppose why the two of us cannot agree on anything, but the two of us seem to argument about something every single day, but yesterday the two of us started arguing about all of the things that are wrong with our relationship.

I did not realize my bestie was so unhappy until she started naming off all of the things that I do to make her unhappy. One of the things on her list was increasing the temperature on the control unit. My bestie was unhappy because I love the temperatures cooler than she does. This was never something that she wanted to discuss when the two of us were not arguing, but it seemed to be something that she constantly brought up when the two of us were in the middle of a fight. Every one of us argued about the control device and the indoor temperatures for several hours and then I fell asleep on the couch. I got up to go to labor the next day and the first task on my schedule was an a/c repair. I’ve been working as an a/c repair worker for the past 10 years, five of those years have been with the same supplier. My bestie showed up at the company address and she waited for myself and others to come back from the air condition repair. She was laying in the parking lot Bobby when I arrived and she caused a crucial scene. My boss threatened to call the cops if the two of us did not leave and handle our company anywhere else. I thought I was going to get fired.
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