Binge-watching shows all the time now with the comfort of our modern electric fireplace

Ever since I got an electric fireplace for our birthday, I have been using the fireplace non-stop. I entirely have been getting into a lot more shows because of it. I used to not like to stay in our room entirely much before getting the electric fireplace because it constantly seemed to be too cold in there. Even with the plastic covering on all the windows, I constantly felt like there was a draft coming from anywhere. Well, that electric fireplace was the answer to our complications. While enjoying the perfect heating & the stunning view of the sparks, I felt so comfortable in our room for a change. I even started watching more shows on Netflix & other streaming services. I figured while I was so comfortable, I might as well be able to relax & have an good time. Some of these shows have been driving myself and others ridiculous though. The first couple of series that I binge-watched, I thought they were some of the best shows I had ever watched in our life. That was a ridiculous thing because I’ve seen a lot of good TV series & films in our life, however these shows were impressive to be sure. Also, I had our handy remote for the fireplace, so it was so easy to adjust the temperature control settings separate from having to get up. Basically the only time I was hopping out of our bed was when I had to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Well, this last show entirely has been killing myself and others with this immortal person from the past who has been going on a killing spree to get revenge on the reincarnated souls who wronged him in the past. It’s so depressing to watch & I might have to start watching something else.

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