Had a marvelous Thanksgiving this year despite all the warnings of variants

Thanksgiving was awesome this year. Despite all the warnings about the virus variants spreading around, I figured everybody would be safe at my mother’s house. That’s where we normally have Thanksgiving, it’s basically a tradition. Our mother cooks the finest food in the world and I don’t think I would be able to live if I wasn’t able to enjoy our traditional Thanksgiving Feast. Well, we were definitely cautious and that’s why everybody pitched in to buy a really nice UV air purification for my mother’s home. I read all about these UV air purification systems and learned that they not only provide the best air quality, but the UV light operates to destroy those lurking germs that are spreading around, including any covid virus or variants. I mean I’m sure it’s not a guarantee that nobody will get sick but everybody sure felt a lot more comfortable when we all got together. Nobody seemed to be sick at all and everybody felt comfortable enjoying our mother’s delicious food. We spent a lot of time in front of the fireplace just talking about everything going on in our lives. It is a crazy time indeed, but we all have each other’s backs as a family. Also after everybody was able to enjoy the UV air purification at my mother’s house, everybody else was saying how they thought they should go for a UV air purification system as well. I feel like if everybody goes for UV air purification systems, there will be a lot less to be concerned about and we can actually enjoy life!

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