Do not talk down to the A/C tech, or he will let you have it

I am not one to gloat, really I’m not, but sometimes it’s hard.

In my day to day life I’m a humble dude, but here online I will cut loose a little bit.

The same guy who called me a loser in high school for dropping out to learn a trade came in applying for a job. This guy graduated top of his class, went to college, the whole nine yards, but I couldn’t hire him because he didn’t have the right certification. He had a ton of education, but he couldn’t work on HVAC systems and that is all I needed from a worker. He got mad at me about it, but my hands were tied, all of my field techs need to have official HVAC certification and licensure. His problem was that he still thought that trade work like HVAC was beneath academics like him, but it’s hard to argue with that kind of self delusion. He had come into my heating and cooling business to ask for a job, and then scolded me for not doing more with my life. Truly stunning, the balls on this guy! I lowered my voice, speaking real nicely, and explained to him that air conditioning and furnaces were always in demand. I had educated myself with a very specific skill set in HVAC work to make a living and support my lifestyle. Then I said “instead of learning something useful like HVAC, you studied Russian literature, and now you are realizing no one will ever pay you for that. Tough luck.”

Air conditioning workman

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