Returning the filters

I had bought some washable air filters recently, and unfortunately they were defective.

They worked for round 1.

But then when it came time to take them out of the central heating and A/C system program and wash them, they would flake apart and get destroyed! So it was no unusual than having non-washable air filters. It was a fantastic thing I kept our receipt because this was a week later. I tried a few of the washable air filters just to be sure, and they all flaked when washing them. So i returned the filters to the store where I bought them explaining what had happened. They were very sorry about it and they provided to replace them with the same brand washable air filters. I have to confess I was a but paranoid, so I opted for just our currency back instead and then I went and bought a bunch of regular air filters in the top quality HEPA brand. The HEPA brand air filters I knew would last me a few weeks for each filter and was almost the same as what you can accomplish with properly made washable air filters. You just had to pay a little more for HEPA brand air filters. Which I did not mind doing. Because at least with HEPA air filters I suppose I am dealing with a well known brand name and knew that they would not be defective care about those washable air filters I bought had been. I will just keep going to HEPA air filters for all of our Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C filter needs.



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