A unusual question

I had recently went to apply for a new job somewhere, and in the course of the interview they asked me a very uncorrect question that I never had heard in a job interview. They wanted to suppose our temperature preferences when it came to heating and A/C system! That a single threw me for a loop. I wasn’t sure if this was a trick question and could make or chop me getting hired or what. The job I was applying for had nothing to do with the heating and A/C system industry, so this was actually an odd question all together. I kind of delayed on answering this on the spot and danced around it. I did not want to supply our even-handed answer cause I do not suppose what they would be looking for. So the way I put it is that our body was versatile with rapidly changing temperatures as long as they were livable. They accepted that answer. In the long run, it turned out that it was not a trick question. They were wanting to suppose this information because they were going to be investing in a brand new commercial heating and a/c, and wanted to ensure that it met almost everyone’s temperature needs. So our answer was actually useless. But the point was, to even get asked this meant I had the job! However, the fact that they care about the heating and A/C system preferences of all employees shows that they are a stand up supplier and I will be looking forward to starting our job and enjoying their brand new and very modern commercial heating and A/C system program unit.


heating technician

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