It is important to have your a/c on while cooking

If you have a window a/c unit, try to place it as close to the kitchen as possible

Many people choose to use their outdoor grill during the summertime, there are delicious foods that can be grilled such as burgers, hotdogs, chicken, vegetables, and steak, however, some people do not have grills or choose to cook inside because the summer heat can make it hard to stand outside and cook on a hot grill. Cooking inside using the stove, microwave, toaster, crock pot, instantpot, etc. can be hard in the summer because all of the mentioned appliances generate heat. The last thing anyone wants to do on a super hot and humid day, is stand over a hot stove and cook hot food, none of that sounds appealing! It is super important to keep yourself cool while cooking, and it is crucial to stay cool while cooking for both safety and hygiene reasons, you don’t want to pass out from the heat while cooking or sweat into the food. If you have a central a/c, it is advisable to turn the temperature control down before you cook, so you give your a/c time to do its job. Waiting to turn the thermostat down when you are already cooking is not the best idea. Cooking appliances generate heat in the home, so in addition to already hot temperatures outside, it can be harder for the A/C to cool your home. If you have a window a/c unit, try to place it as close to the kitchen as possible. It is also advisable to turn the window a/c system temperature down lower prior to cooking. Cooking inside does not have to be miserable in the summer, as long as you use your a/c consistently.

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