When some buddies & I all decided to go for a weekend to a rental cabin, every one of us thought it would be a fantastic time. It would be kind of care about a upscale camping experience. The people I was with and I saw the venue had a fireplace, a woodstove, & plenty of wood for chopping. The people I was with and I worked difficult chopping wood when every one of us arrived at the site. The people I was with and I thought it was cool because there was no electricity, no cell phone use, just pure nature. The people I was with and I had plenty of food with us & every one of us brought a portable solar panel idea as well. This allowed us to power a small refrigerator that every one of us kept our meat frozen in. The people I was with and I cooked food over the fireplace & also over the wood stove. It genuinely was a appealing experience, but I will constantly remember the comfort that was gave by the fireplace. The heat from the fireplace absolutely reached all the corners of the loft & it was nice & comfortable. The people I was with and I had a pretty wonderful weekend but every one of us were creeped out when every one of us kept hearing a bunch of creepy noises on our last evening at the cabin. The people I was with and I didn’t guess if there was some dangerous pet out there or if every one of us were dealing with something as crazy as Bigfoot. It’s difficult to tell for certain if things care about that are real, but none of us wanted to stick around to find out. The people I was with and I got out of there first thing the next afternoon after putting out the fire in the fireplace. While it was a pretty nice time & every one of us have some stories to tell about the experience, I don’t recognize every one of us will ever go back.