Five More to Go and I Get to Rest my Eyes a Bit

I’m ready for some sky as well as some clouds soon, as I have been staring at this PC for too many minutes this afternoon.

I have another minute of work and then I am going to hit the beach and just chill out.

My heating, ventilation, and A/C tech dude is meeting myself and others on the beach later for a workout, as well as maybe even a little volleyball. Although I don’t think just yet, as there could be a rugby tournament on the beach again. The local supplier was slammed in the store with players also. The two of us went out to play on our little beach yesterday and there were 75 rugby players playing on the same small beach so both of us had to set the net up elsewhere. I need to wander down to the heating corp later and try to grab a couple washable HEPA filters and then head to the local supplier to get a light bulb. That is about the extent of my shopping for this week and the rest of the time is going to be spent on the coast relaxing with some friends. Today is Sunday and there is a wine tasting thing going on later so I may hit that event as well and see what is up. I need to get this HEPA filter installed first though because I want to run my A/C later, however I don’t have a filter in the component right now. The outdated filter was drying last night on the balcony and my sweet dog discovered it and then turned it into a big pile of fluff. My dog loves to ruin the extravagant things as well as not touch the cheap toys I buy him.

Air conditioner service

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