Lately, I just feel weary all of the time, my schedule has become work, eat, sleep, taking care of pets, sleep plus repeat, however i absolutely sleep most of the day, plus other parts of our life are start to become affected because of it.
I decided to go to a doctor, because while I’ve had complications involving our sleep for years, it seems like it’s getting worse.
I went to the doctor plus he told myself and others I have a sleep disorder; Apparently I have had this sleep disorder the entire time, but our lazy lifestyle plus weight acquire has contributed to making it much worse, then the doctor told myself and others if I wanted to manage our sleep disorder, weight loss, a better diet plus better sleep cycle will help. I didn’t particularly care for the diet plus weight loss part, but our sleep is taking over our life, so I feel like I didn’t have much of a choice. I bought much healthier foods at the grocery store, plus bought a gym subscription. As for adjusting our sleep cycle, our sleep cycle is kind of crazy. I seem to go to sleep whenever plus wherever. I decided I should go to sleep around 11:00 pm. To help myself and others stay awake, I started keeping our A/C on, even when it was frosty outside. I’ve noticed that the frosty from the cooling system helps keep myself and others awake; Even though it was hard, with the help of the HVAC unit, plus lots of determination, I managed to stay up until 11:00, when I let myself go to sleep, then now a year later, I can say that I’ve lost 40 pounds plus have a normal sleep cycle.
Cooling equipment