Living with my bestie is going to be a lot harder than I thought.
- My bestie plus I have been together for 5 years now, plus I was thinking of popping the question soon, but, I learn online that you should try living with your significant other before getting married, to easily see if you’re compatible.
I decided all of us should try this before getting into anything big, plus thankfully she agreed. Every one of us moved in together a few weeks ago, plus I now understand why they say to transfer in together, because there are absolutely some things that I didn’t guess about my bestie that I guess now, then one is that she is actually messy, she leaves piles of stuff all over the locale, plus that she watches so much TV, granted, I’m not perfect, I’m sure some of my flaws are actually coming out as well. But it’s absolutely been an eye opener; Something that only convinces myself and others further, is how all of us both react to the HVAC unit. Apparently the heating plus cooling component is something all of us both react to strongly to. I have always enjoyed the tepid temperatures, plus I thrive off of them. That plus saving money on the bill make it where I want to have the heating plus cooling system off most of the time. My bestie prefers the colder temperatures, plus prefers to have the air conditioner on almost 24/7. This not only ramps up the energy bill, however also drives myself and others crazy! Needless to say the air conditioner component plus oil furnace have caused quite a few fights between myself and others plus my bestie. The HVAC is apparently an obstacle that my bestie plus I are going to have to get past.